• Bea Dynamic Dad

    Dads play a central role in the lives of their children.

    Resources for Dads

    Dynamic Dads offers key resources to help Dads succeed in their unique role of fathering. Discover Resources for Dad...

  • Dadsin Small Groups

    Dynamic Dads offers small-groups based curriculum for fathers.

    New Workbooks

    Curriculum for existing small groups or form a new Dynamic Dads group at your church. Learn More...

  • GreatBooks for Dads

    Exclusive content to help Dad.

    Trusted Counsel

    Author, expert, and five-time dad Paul Pettit has tips for fathers on the essentials. Buy Books...

  • Speakingat your Event

    Speaking the truth about Dads.

    Dynamic Dads at your next event

    Dr. Paul Pettit has become a spokesman for the responsible fatherhood movement. Request Info...

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New and Fresh from Dynamic Dads

Small Group Workbook


Now available...

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Speaking About Dads at Your Event

Saturday, July 27, 2024


Dynamic Dads is currently in the process of researching, writing and editing a small-groups based curriculum for fathers. Using data from; family studies, Christian masculinity, Biblical manhood, and theology these workbooks will be available for purchase and use by men who are already a part of an existing small group or by dads who want to form a new Dynamic Dads group.

Dr. Pettit is available by phone appointment to the leaders of Dynamic Dads groups for coaching and mentoring.

Request pre-order information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We need your feedback! What would you like to see in a small group curriculum for fathers?
Send your ideas to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The Inevitable Disappointment of Following “Celebrity” Pastors

    Dynamic Dads Jun 17, 2024 | 16:24 pm

    The Inevitable Disappointment of Following “Celebrity” Pastors  Once again news has broken regarding the “sin” of a well-known, influential minister. This news hit me particularly hard as this is a man I’ve listened to and learned from on hundreds of occasions. Here are four reminders to take away when you hear this kind of news.1. God is[…]

  • A Powerful Testimony for Pride Month ...

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     Jesus and My Gay Desires ... By Taylor Simon MaxwellI grew up in a Jewish household and knew nothing of Jesus Christ, saving grace, or Vacation Bible School. My religious childhood was attending synagogue, studying Hebrew, and celebrating Jewish holidays, such as Hanukkah and Passover. I even had a bar mitzvah at[…]

  • Dads, Time Flies with Your Children … Invest it Well!

    Dynamic Dads May 16, 2024 | 12:50 pm

     Dads, Time Flies with Your Children … Invest it Well!This weekend, my wife and I will marry off the fifth of our five children. I can’t believe how fast the time raced by. Sure, when I was a young dad, older men warned me, “They grow up fast.” Intuitively I[…]

  • Don't forget the single men!

    Dynamic Dads Apr 22, 2024 | 18:47 pm

    Don't forget the single men!  Don't forget the single men ... See: https://newcommandment.org/dont-forget-the-single-men/Read article here

  • How will you celebrate Easter this year?

    Dynamic Dads Mar 16, 2024 | 15:29 pm

    How will you celebrate Easter this year?  Resurrection Sunday 2024 It’s springtime! While some areas of the U.S. are still experiencing snowstorms, most of the country is seeing the greening and sprouting which warm weather brings. Flowers are blooming and folks are spreading Weed-N-Feed on their lawns.It’s also time for believers in Jesus Christ to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.[…]

  • Dynamic Dads Feb 22, 2024 | 16:51 pm

     D/FW area-wide Men's Spring Summit!!April 20th, Grace Bible Church Address: 11306 Inwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75229Phone: (214) 368-0779All men ages 16 - 99 in the D/FW area are invited to attend!! Breakfast & Lunch, Door Prizes, Worship Music, Ministry Tables, and Free Men's Bible Study to each man who registers and attends, bring[…]

  • Dynamic Dads Feb 16, 2024 | 13:57 pm

     Whatdoes fishing have to do with the difference between marriage and parenting? Alot, says Dr. Paul Pettit. People are confused about Jesus’ teaching on marriageReading online comments regarding Jesus and marriage fascinates me. Here is a random list of some of them:“Jesus never got married … so why should I?”“Did anyone[…]

  • Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

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    Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe  "Show me your friends ... I'll show you your future!" A new leadership phrase is making its rounds through workshops, webinars, and conferences. Business and marketplace gurus tell us: “Your vibe attracts your tribe!” They mean that the most important thing for a business leader is no longer the actual business[…]

  • Boys to Men ... and the Failure to Launch

    Dynamic Dads Oct 17, 2023 | 12:43 pm

    Boys to Men ... and the Failure to Launch Boys to Men ... and the Failure to Launch © Dr. Paul Pettit  Boys to Men is more than the name of a recently popular singing group. It also accurately describes the pathway to maturity God desires all males travel.Male maturity requires courageWatching recent events unfold in the Middle East reminds us[…]

  • The Fathering Crisis in America Isn't Going Away

    Dynamic Dads Sep 19, 2023 | 13:15 pm

     America is in the middle of a fathering crisis. Some are even calling the United States “Fatherless America.”[1] Consider the following facts:In America, 2022 data indicates there are approximately 18.3 million children who live without a father in the home, comprising about 1 in 4 US children.About 80% of single-parent homes[…]


Dynamic Dads Blog

Dr. Paul Pettit writes a blog entitled "Fathers who want to make a lasting difference by leaving a positive legacy." This blog can be a great resource for dads who are looking to do just that. Check out the blog today!

Read the DD Blog
